- To revive the spiritual history of India
- To reconnect the Youth of India to their roots through an intense study and research of the biographies of those who have shaped India’s destiny.
- The Monographs produced through this project could become interesting projects and text-books for the students at the higher-secondary level and colleges.
Concept Note
India, after a thousand years of slavery and onslaught by Western contact, has come of age: its dormant soul has broken the shackles and it is now reawakening. In this Indian Renaissance, its essential and eternal spirit will remain the same but its new body will be unrecognisable and beautiful. “The shaping for itself of a new body,” writes Sri Aurobindo, “of new philosophical, artistic, literary, cultural, political, social forms by the same soul rejuvenescent will, I should think, be the type of the Indian renascence, — forms not contradictory of the truths of life which the old expressed, but rather expressive of those truths restated, cured of defect, completed.” (CWSA 20: 5)
The world has come to recognize that spirituality runs through the very marrow of Indian Culture. It is this engrained tendency of her spirituality and “her powerful psychic tendency, her great yearning to grapple with the infinite and possess it”(Ibid: 7) which has been the constant effort all “her ineradicable religious stream, her idealism, her yoga, “… her art and philosophy” (Ibid)
To keep alive this stream of spiritual life through all expressions of life, many saints, sages, poets, devotees, philosophers, kings, queens and warriors took birth in this soil of Bharat. Even through the long periods of torture and slavery, the great souls of India kept alive India’s Sanatana dharma.
Modern Indians, however, blind with the dust of materialistic culture are ignorant of these great lamp-souls to whom we at present owe our Bharatiya cultural richness. Hence, we at SACAR, would like to rekindle the memory of our great luminaries and pay our respects and gratitude.
It is perhaps difficult to select the great and luminous souls who have taken forward India’s spiritual march towards its glorious future. Fortunately for us, Sri Aurobindo himself, who, having read and scanned through all Indian literature – from the Vedic times to the contemporary period – has breathed life into the source of the luminaries and has made easier our task of selecting them.
Sri Aurobindo himself a grand flame of light and truth has shown us the way to proceed on our project of “Luminaries of India”. He has given his comments and observations of selected souls and our research scholars have only to expand and explore further what light he has thrown on the life, work, and character of the pathfinders of India’s spiritual growth through the ages.
- Ten Monographs will be produced by SACAR in two years each on a different personality.
- The candidate would have learned Sri Aurobindo’s perspective on the personality chosen.
- The candidate be introduced to Sri Aurobindo’s vision of India and the world’s future.
- The candidate would have learned an inner way of searching into a personality.
- The Monograph will be an example to show the real contribution of the personality in building India and her rich culture.
- Indian personalities about whom Sri Aurobindo has written would be selected by SACAR which will range from the classical period to modern times.
- It will be a Historical Research.
- Duration of the total project: 2 years
- Every personality: 3 (extendable to 4) months
- Full-time (Presence of the candidate on the campus of SACAR is mandatory)
- No. of personalities per year: 5
- No. of Monograph manuscripts to be produced per year 5
- Admission: Two times a year (The process of Application and selection would start at least 2 months before the starting date.)
- At least MA in any subject but exception may be there depending on the standard of the student.
- Proficiency in English (The project will be in English only)
- Research Acumen
- Acceptance to stay at Pondicherry for the duration of the project
Selection Procedure
- Application to be filled by the candidate. (Application link will be given by SACAR)
- Choice of the person on whom research will be done from the list provided by SACAR. (To be mentioned in the application form)
- Entrance exam to check the research acumen and language. (The exam will be descriptive in nature)
- Submission of an already published paper if the candidate is a research scholar registered with a University or has completed PhD.
- A recommendation letter to be brought from the Guide (for the full-time scholar) or any faculty who knows your research work (if you are not a research scholar yet).
- If the candidate is a full-time research scholar in any University in India, he/she has to bring a letter of consent from the Guide, duly forwarded by HOD of the department about their stay on campus during this project.
- Online or Offline Interview for final selection
- Selected candidates will be notified through email 15 days after the entrance exam.
- Those not selected may not be informed.
- The selection committee reserves the rights of admission to anyone whom they deem fit and their choice remains unquestionable by any candidate or any external entity.
Remuneration would be deposited in the candidates’ bank account upon the successful completion of the project, approved by the research committee, and after all the suggestions given by the experts are incorporated into the research project.
Outcome of the entire Research Project:
A Research paper of About 40-50 A4 pages with space 1.5 font size 12 Font Style: Times New Roman based on the readings from Sri Aurobindo.
Intellectual Property
The paper produced through this research will be published as a Monograph with due credit to the researcher when the funds are available. After submitting the paper, the candidate will have no right to the paper. He/she cannot republish the paper anywhere without the permission of the publisher and SACAR. The time taken to publish the research will be a matter of discretion of the SACAR Board.
After submitting the first project the candidate can reapply for the next project if he/she wishes to do so.