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Dr. V. Ananda Reddy

Dr. V. Ananda Reddy

Founder & Director

Area of expertise

An Aurobindonian to the core Dr. Ananda’s expertise lies in the interpretations of the Aurobindonian philosophy.
Dr. Ananda has to his credit, more than 2000 hours of recorded talks on Sri Aurobindo’s major works such as: The Life Divine, Synthesis of Yoga, Essays on the Gita, and Savitri. His talks are now being transcribed into books.
In recognition for his scholarly contribution on Sri Aurobindo’s works, Dr. Ananda Reddy has been honoured with ‘Sri Aurobindo Puraskar’ in 2004 and ‘Auro Ratna Award’ in 2013.


Inspirational Speaker: A globally acclaimed, inspirational speaker on the Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, Dr. Ananda Reddy has conducted innumerable workshops at various centres and universities in India, Europe and the United States of America.
Author: As a scholar, on the integral thought of Sri Aurobindo, he has authored many papers and articles on spirituality, yoga, psychology, human unity, materialism, management by consciousness and different facets of Indian culture.
Dr. Ananda regularly conducts classes on interdisciplinary aspects of Yoga and Spirituality in the light of Sri Aurobindo, both in classroom situation as well as online.

Subjects taught at SACAR

Philosophy of Evolution of Consciousness, Revelations of the Upanishads, Psychological Approach to Bhagavad Gita, Courses on The Life Divine and Savitri


M.A. Literature, 1980, University of Hyderabad


Phil: Symbolism in the Later Poetry of T. S. Eliot and Sri Aurobindo
PhD Thesis: The Concept of Physical Transformation in Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy


More than one hundred and fifty articles have been published in different Philosophical journals in India and abroad.
“Deliberations on The Life Divine” (Chapter wise commentaries on The Life Divine) Five Volumes
Book “Four Aspects of Savitri”
Presented and conducted more than 200 seminars all across the world.
Gave series of talks on the major books of Sri Aurobindo – The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, Savitri and The Mother, Essays on the Gita for more than 12 years

Beyond role

Chairman of Institute of Human Study, Hyderabad.
Chief Editor, ‘New Race’ Journal, Pondicherry.